it's called the "over the mountain game," which daddy makes me play purely for his own entertainment while telling mommy it's "good exercise." why i need to be doing calisthenics at two months is beyond me.
it begins as follows: someone lays me face down over the boppy to stare at the interesting design on the fabulous quilt auntie sari sent me. i lay contentedly for approximately 2 to 3 minutes.
being halfway over annoys the crap out of me, at which point i begin kicking . . . and kicking.
the kicking becomes vigorous enough to force my hips up onto the pillowy part of said boppy.
- i can see the light!
while whining, i keep kicking and eventually one knee gets over the side.
some more wiggles and i'm home free.
shockingly, i haven't face-planted into the quilt, yet, since i seem to have some relatively strong neck muscles.