busy bee

sorry for the long wait--i've been a busy, busy bee! it's also been a wet winter and we're enjoying the suddenly warm weather. mom and i went out one day to 'look' at the rain falling beyond the patio. i, of course, had to do some additional inspecting. yes, those are my pajamas, and while i don't show it at all, it was FREEZING! dad seems to think the backyard is a putting green . . .

naked grocery shopping . . .

hiding behind mom's easel . . .

hi grammy . . .

they're still tryin' to get me to say 'hi gramma and grampa.' I say these phrases all the time when bidded, but not on camera, forget it. i usually just pretend i have no idea what they're talking about, and at some point i get ahold of said camera . . .
