Olive is 9 months

this is how you'll find me in my crib - ready to get up and rock and roll! although now i'm just as likely to be sitting up playing with my mobile. i'm turning 9 months this week! i'm getting around the house with precision and a swiftness that is taking everyone by surprise. i can find fallen cheerios like it's nobody's business. I'm remembering where things are and how to get there. I love to laugh and goof around, especially with Rocco. i seem to have dad's appetite - i LOVE to eat and could do so all. day. long. cut up grapes are  my new fave. Rocco's back in school, so i have dad all to myself again. we hit the grocery store a lot, work outside when it's not too hot, and go to massage therapy. i'm the star of the house and everyone wants to snuggle with me and kiss my cheeks and tickle me and make me laugh!

